Tea of Life ® Brand Herbal Teas and Supplements 



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Tea Of Life® Pleasure Blend Plus 25 teabags (Now in a box)

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This herb is usually consumed in salads. It has compelling effects on muscle contractions, due to the hormone testosterone found in the herb. When consumed as a beverage or capsules all the natural vitamins work together to target specific needs of the body. Fenugreek support a healthy reduction of glucose in the blood, as seen in diabetics.
In the diet it works by causing smooth muscles to contract. and dilate during exercise. The herbal effects results in a healthy reduction of the appetite, which causes its user to consume less food, resulting in weight loss. Male and female need Testosterone in their bodies. As women get older the levels of testosterone which is made in the ovaries is decreased by 50% after age 50 and the lack of sexual interest may also decrease. This herb offers a strong support to the male libido and many other health benefits due to the various natural healing properties it contains.


This herb is one of the ingredients added to the Pleasure Blend Plus formula. In the teabags Horsetail is named because the grass likes blades, look like the tail of a horse. It is famous as one of the most abundant sources of the plant based minerals including silica, magnesium, calcium and zinc.
The essential minerals found in the horsetail are silica. Calcium, zinc, and magnesium. These essential minerals support prostate health, bone density, hair growth, nail growth and kidney and bladder stones reduction. They also help to promote calcium formation in bones and nails. Horsetail (shave grass) herb is one of the ingredients added to formulate the Tea Of Life®
Male He- Rrect Formula


“Ram Goat Dash- Along” (Jamaican name) It has rich, natural minerals that support the human reproductive organs. Health benefits include weight management support, reduced inflammation, blood glucose control, and antioxidants self- healing, (body heals itself). This product shows decrease in both Type 1 & Type 2 diabetic glucose levels.
When multiple, natural herbs are blended together they work synergistically to support different health issues. The glucose control is amazing in the Pleasure Blend, and levels are seen reduced by double digits. The blood glucose is checked and repeated an hour later. A cup of tea using one teabag is consumed and the sugar is re-checked to achieve this result. A controlled blood glucose level enhances and revitalize the male and female libido. In women there is a hormonal balance that supports a healthy reproductive system, and alleviates symptoms of menstrual problems.


Ginger has been known traditionally to have natural anti-inflammatory benefits. The antioxidants protect and maintain blood vessel health. Ginger root helps to blood to flow better and therefore improves the circulation. The veins are known to be dilated after the consumption of ginger in tea or capsule. Tea Of Life® chose ginger as a dilator for this very same reason. This was added to our “Male He-Rect Formula” to stimulate dilation and improving circulation in men. Ginger is believed to be able to increase energy and vitality. Ginger may help to enhance the libido in men. Another healthy benefit from using ginger is to reduce the levels of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure. Ginger root warms the vessels and allows it to dilate thus, less consumption of other meds which may affect the libido? Tea of Life also supplies ginger teabags.

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